Friday, September 13, 2019

How Will E-Books Affect The Future of Learning Essay

How Will E-Books Affect The Future of Learning - Essay Example The questions would pertain to its impact on the publishers, its impact on the level of reading, the life span of a particular piece of work and various other questions which come to mind naturally. With transition from existing form of book reading to the digital means, there is a need for preserving the large amount of text that is being written over centuries that pertains to the cultural values, the pre historic times, stages of mankind’s progress to modern day and all other important pieces of writing. Such factors must be taken into account and proper working and bodies should be constituted to ensure no work of literature and history is lost in pursuit of modern trends and transition. It’s possible impact on the artists, poets, and other literature associated personnel must be taken into account since transition in that domain may not be as easy, as it might appear in the context of science and technology. A salient feature of electronic reading is in form of the dictionaries, nearly all electronic reading devices come up with dictionaries. In past, the readers had to carry separate book in form of dictionary for purpose of finding their meanings. Dictionaries come in form of softwares which are mere few mega bytes in space. The new form of book readings makes reading far easy. It enables the access to any book online without waiting to go to the stores which might be away from a particular station. Websites like Amazon and few others are the foundation brick towards it since they are the world’s largest online books domains .large amount of customers ranging in millions are registered over the website, which speaks of the popularity and increase in trend of e book reading. Electronic books will be available on the mobile phones, special electronic reading devices, laptops, and other gadgets, hence the domain of reading and its access becomes broad and would spread at a faster rate compared to the conventional form of reading that ex isted in past(Adams & Hamm, 2005). The large amount of hand held devices specifically made for online book reading are promoting this trend further. With gadgets like I-pad and Amazon Kindle easily available in market and having staggeringly positive outcomes from its sales, one can predict the future to be purely dominated by electronic books. The e-books will have an advantage over the conventional form of books in many aspects, which not only includes the price, but also the spacing consideration, the ease of access, and various other features. A small but intriguing feature of the e books is the illumination independence. While reading the conventional hard form of book requires illumination in the background, the electronic books can be read even in absence of light in the background since the source of electronic book, which are mostly the handheld devices and e-readers, provide light in itself. The electronic book concept gives rise to the virtual institutes and that we alrea dy see being implemented across the world in various forms of data bases and online learning centers. It will wash out the limits defined by boundaries and will enable any piece of work to be read and accessed by a person sitting in other corner of the world million miles in distance. Electronic books

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